Flash a SD card with an image
# gzip -cd /path/to/*.img.gz|dd of=/dev/sdX bs=64k
Given you run a Raspberry Pi with LibreElec and some HDDs connected
to it, to deliver content for your TV, you may want to fill the HDD from
ssh as well as rsync are great tools
for this.
First activate ssh in Kodi > Settings > LibreElec > Services > SSH > Enable SSH
Better disable password authentification and make it a habit to only
use pubkey authentification.
After you placed your public key
ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_t420s_2_pi.pub root@<IP of Pi>
you can deactivate password access. Toggle on Kodi >
Settings > LibreElec > Services > SSH > Disable SSH
As you cannot create directories and transfer files to that new
directory in one go, you may need three more steps.
Edit your ~/.ssh/config to match an entry for the pi.
ssh pi "mkdir /media/s/Foundation"
scp -v /path/to/Foundation/* pi:/media/s/Foundation/
Rsync is not part of the vanilla Libbreelec. Install it: Kodi >
Add-ons > Search
Search for rsync and install Network Tools.
Login via ssh, which rsync should give you
Now copy your content to your Pi:
rsync -e ssh --rsync-path=/storage/.kodi/addons/virtual.network-tools/bin/rsync -av Foundation pi:/media/s/
Consider setting an alias in your ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc:
alias rp='rsync -e ssh --rsync-path=/storage/.kodi/addons/virtual.network-tools/bin/rsync -av --info=progress2'
shortening the long expression to
rp Foundation pi:/media/s/
It may happen that Kodi shows a message “invalid-key” and refuses to
connect to your wifi. The message does not indicate there is something
wrong with your passphrase. The message may be related to an
insufficient signal strength due to distance to the access point or
response time while trying to connect to the access point.
Try getting a better wifi signal. After all, it looks like the problem
is linked to the use of iwl, so hopefully upstream may
solve this in the future.