icon robot josef

Audio stuff, unsorted

Separate channels from a multichannel wav

ffmpeg -i input.wav -map 0:1 1.wav -map 0:2 2.wav -map 0:3 3.wav…


sox infile.wav outfile_l.wav remix 1
sox infile.wav outfile_r.wav remix 2


Extracting AC3 from TrueHD

eac3to input.thd+ac3 output.ac3 -core


Convert FLAC 24 bit 96khz to 16 bit 48khz

ffmpeg -i input.flac -sample_fmt s16 -ar 48000 output.flac

Some consider the SoX resampler superior to the default swresample library. To use soxr your ffmpeg must be compiled with –enable-libsoxr. Then choose it with the -resampler option:

ffmpeg -i input.flac -resampler soxr -sample_fmt s16 -ar 48000 output.flac


Convert WAV 24 bit to FLAC 16 Bits

sox input.24bit.wav -b16 output.16bit.flac

SoX can write native FLAC files according to a given or default compression level. 8 is the default compression level and gives the best (but slowest) compression; 0 gives the least (but fastest) compression. The compression level is selected using the −C option with a whole number from 0 to 8.
